Sworn Sword arrives in large print
First copies of the large print edition of Sworn Sword arrived recently and look fantastic. Published by AudioGO, one of the best-established large print publishers in the UK, it won’t be released commercially but instead will be available mainly in libraries and hospitals, as well as from hard-of-sight charities.
Apart from a few cosmetic changes to the front cover design and a snappier blurb on the back, the overall look is not unlike that of the original hardback. It’s inside that the real differences become apparent, as the photos below show.
There’s news too of the German mass market paperback edition, published by Goldmann, which is due to hit the bookshelves in August 2012. The title, I’ve been told, will be Der Pakt der Schwerter, which translates literally as The Pact of Swords.
I can’t wait to see the finished product, and I’ll post pictures here on the blog as soon as I receive advance copies next year. Eventually I hope to post a picture of all the different editions of the book – hardcover, paperback, foreign and large print – lined up next to one another: a kind of Sworn Sword family photo!