The Splintered Kingdom in paperback
The Splintered Kingdom is released today in paperback in the UK, with a vibrant and striking new cover design! Look out for it in supermarkets and all good bookshops, as well as online. As always, e-book editions are also available on all platforms for the more technologically inclined.
Set one year on from the end of Sworn Sword, it once more features the knight Tancred, who has been rewarded for his exploits with a lordship on the turbulent Welsh Marches. But as the enemy stirs, his hard-fought gains are soon placed in peril. Under siege on all sides, the Norman realm begins to crumble, leading Tancred to face his sternest challenge yet. It will be either his chance for glory, or his undoing.
To whet your appetite for further Tancred adventures, the paperback edition also contains a sample chapter from the forthcoming third book in the Conquest series, which I can now reveal will be entitled Knights of the Hawk. There’ll be more info on where Tancred’s travels will be taking him next in the coming months.
Those of you who’ve been following this blog or have seen my updates on Twitter and Facebook will know that 14 March 2013 actually marks a double launch for the Aitcheson clan, as my brother Alistair’s eagerly anticipated new game for iPad, the fast and frantic Slamjet Stadium is also unleashed upon the world.It’s a huge amount of fun and has already been generating a lot of buzz in the gaming community. But don’t just take my word for it – give it a go yourself! It’s now available from the App Store across the world. For more details, including the trailer, visit the game’s official website.