The first advance copies of the Sworn Sword hardback came back from the printers this weekend and are looking terrific. Thanks to all those at Preface Publishing who have helped to make this book happen, as well as to the cover illustrator Tim Byrne, whose design graces the jacket. I fell in love with the proposed cover from the moment it was first presented to me, and it’s turned out brilliantly.
So, after months of painstaking preparation and seemingly endless edits, and consultation on everything from the jacket copy down to the typeface itself, the finished product is finally here: no fewer than 416 bound pages, with the most striking, atmospheric and dramatic cover you will see on bookshelves this summer – even if I do say so myself.
With just one month to go until publication, then, here’s a sneak preview:
[Click on the thumbnails to view the images in higher resolution.]